Our Mallorca 4th world programs are steaming ahead, and even though we are now active on various fronts we get the impression that we are just touching the tip of the iceberg.
The crisis is hitting Spain hard and Mallorca is not spared from the onslaught.
Mediterranea at present is acting on the following fronts in Mallorca:-
Palmanova: where we help feed and dress 400 people and where we help educate adults.
Palma: where we provide Dignipacs, clothing and food for a population of 300 roofless people.
Sa Pobla: where we feed and dress 79 poor children (ages 0--16) who were under weight and undernourished due to the very difficult financial situation of their families.
Mallorca: we are refurbishing and preparing computers that will be distributed in centers where underprivileged children are looked after. Computer know how is a vital part of present day education and so providing children with access to computers helps give them a better future. If you happen to have a computer you do not need we can give it a good and productive future.
Cooperation with sister organizations: we donate medical supplies and clothing to other local NGO/Charities that are working in Mallorca.
We are open to suggestions. If you identify a problem that you feel Mediterranea might be able to help in please feel free to let us know.