12 Jul 2012

Training of the staff in Akaki Mengist

Message from Laura (Occupational therapist)  and Crisitna (Psycchologist): Mediterranea volunteers in Ethiopia. Laura has been to help in our schools various times, and this is Crisitna's first trip.

The training of the staff in Akaki Mengist has started. The people being trained are 4 teachers, two of which work in the classroom with deaf children and the other two work with kids with intellectual impairment. One of the directors was interested in learning too and comes when he has a free moment Bruk (our new Med rep) is accompanying us all the time and he translates in to Amharik when a concept is too complex and explained in our English can lead to confusion. 

To begin with we have started with some outlines in reference to finer motricity and cognitive stimulation. We are interweaving practical work with simple theoretical concepts.
The first day was dedicated  to manipulating and creating materials and to rol-playing, acting out work situations with the handicapped. Yesterday, even though it was holiday time, some of the students from both of the classes came to the school which was good so we could evaluate their levels and so the teachers could put in to effect what we were teaching them.
The four teachers are being very active, they are understanding the concepts and they are even putting forward ideas and proposing objectives. Today we will continue with all of this and there will be more children coming along.