18 Jul 2011

Next Generation of Babies Start at Abugida

Last week the forty-two new babies (‘bombones’) started and thirty older babies graduated to infants (‘melones’).  The crying and the shouting returned to Abugida.  It’s the first time that these babies have been separated from their mothers so it’s natural that everything is strange to them and that forty-two pairs of lungs should be exercised. 

This meant some intense work for all, the carers and our volunteers Ale and Carolina who have been going to bed exhausted.  Everyone takes great care to give a warm welcome and lots of affection to all these Abugida new entrants, in this way, as time passes a calm is settling on the kindergarten and our new babies are able to enjoy some siestas and this allows our volunteers to take some photos.

Also the babies had, what in many cases, was the first bath of their lives and now they all look very clean and beautiful. The twenty children that had been receiving food since April are eating much better than the others. This lack of food means that some of the others are anorexic but very quickly they will recover and will be eating like lions.

PS The date setting on the camera continues to be wrong.

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