22 Nov 2009


On friday we delivered the third load of food for the Mali population which we are helping in Palma.
The initial population was going to be approximately 20 but soon it grew to 52 on the first week, 111 on the second week and this week (we do not have the final figures in yet) it will have been about 120-140.
Fortunately Jill had stockpiled and brought with her some supplies which we added to the food we were distributing, otherwise we would not have had enough.
So far we have delivered over 1400kg and near to 50kg of clothes and toys which are also needed.
We estimate that with the food delivered near to 6000 meals will have been had. Probably more as the Mali people are very generous and share what they have with those less fortunate than themselves.

The main things provided in the food bag are: Rice, Macaroni, Spaghetti, Sugar, Onions, Garlic, Pepper, Milk, Cocoa, Flower, Salt and Soap.  The other things put in to the bag depend on the supplies collaborators have handed in to us and if in there are children in a particular group/apartment or not.

This project is costing 380€/week on food. The rest of the expenses are covered by the volunteers and do not come out of our funds.
We will soon be starting operations in PalmaNova so it might be an idea if we contacted schools, clubs, associations etc asking the members/students to collaborate with those hungry on our island with a bag of rice a week or what ever they wish from the basic list.  The obtaining of supplies and the funding of this project is very important for the continuity and the possible expansion of it.

Our initial plan is to keep this project up over the winter months.

In a short time we have made a big difference to the lives of a number of very unfortunate people who mostly have no access to help in their more difficult moments.

Rebecca and Heidrun need two or three volunteers with them to set up the PalmaNova operation, please get in touch if you are interested in helping.

In PalmaNova we would like to give Spanish lessons to the Senegalese, and we could probably expand that to English and Basic Computer Use.

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